Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Insults - automated version!

Last month I wrote about the Shakespeare Insult Kit.  To my delight, Chris Seidel has expanded and automated it, producing an automatic Shakespeare Insult Generator!  You simply click a button to generate a new insult.  A few examples:

Thou pribbling common-kissing gudgeon!

Thou infectious guts-griping skainsmate!

O, [thou art] as tedious as a tired horse, a railing wife, Worse than a smoky house.

Thou mammering shard-borne apple-john!

[Thou art] a fusty nut with no kernel!

I've also discovered a Lutheran Insulter, which draws on Martin Luther's published works for inspiration.  The author, Tyler Rasmussen, explains:

Because Luther was generally insulting a specific person or group of people, the insults have been modified from their original context into second person singular or plural. Most gender specific words have been made gender neutral. Other modifications made if necessary to fit a general audience. Original wording maintained as much as possible.

Luther certainly seems to have had a way with (rude) words!  A few examples:

You reek of nothing but Lucian, and you breathe out on me the vast drunken folly of Epicurus.

You sophistic worms, grasshoppers, locusts, frogs and lice!

As for the signs of your peculiar priesthood, we are willing to let you boast of these mean things, for we know it would be quite easy to shave, anoint, and clothe in a long robe even a pig or a block of wood.

Perhaps you want me to die of unrelieved boredom while you keep on talking.

You are like mouse-dropping in the pepper.

Er . . . well, yes!  Quite!



Dirk said...

My son tends to ramble sometimes. That penultimate "insult" might be quite appropriate for him... :)

Anonymous said...

And let's not forget Luther's 95 feces. (It's OK I was raised a Lutheran and as kids, we told that moldy oldy all the time.)